The Dissertation


What did I do?

What did I get from the experience

What were the challenges

What did I Do

Undertook entire umbrella review

Initial scoping literature review - super important. Consider not only available literature but what outcome measures may be used etc.

Created research protocol

Registered this with Prospero

Undertook the review

In process of submitting for publication

Dissertation Title Page Image
Prospero Web Page Image
Kappa Agreement Worksheet Image

What were the challenges?

Time Commitment

Need to be auto-didactic

Communication with dissertation supervisor even more important

Time Commitment

Need to allow additional time for certain elements eg Prospero registration / contacting authors

Similarly if undertaking review will need to plan timings for various stages with supervisor so that blind inclusion/exclusion, quality assessment, ROB, and data extraction can be undertaken

Significant ammounts of work involved, critical appraisal of journals, excel spreadsheets, wider subject reading etc

Kappa Agreement Worksheet Image
Kappa Agreement Worksheet Image


Need to be comfortable working without as much course materials

May need to familiarise yourself with the subject matter to a more expert level to be able to competently and confidently undertake research in the field

Will very likely need to expand knowledge in key areas like statistics to be able to both assess any included studies and also determine what if any statistical tests may be appropriate


Vital whatever dissertation you undertake

Second reviewer will normally be required in any review

Will need to be able to communicate clearly what needs doing and agree deadlines for each stage, take ownership for these targets and facilitate the process

Consider tools like covidence / etc

How did I benefit from the experience

Much better understanding of the research process, for me personally has significantly changed my perspective.

Appreciation of the limitations of the peer review process and importance of critical appraisal of any literature being used to inform your clinical practice

Gained a lot of new knowledge regarding implants

Hopefully... A publication!

Make the most of the opportunity and enjoy it

I personally really enjoyed the experience and would highly recommend it to anyone interested

If anyone has any questions please feel free to reach out: